4 Years!

I seriously cannot believe 4 years ago today I was getting married to Andy! I know everyone says that, but for real, I cannot believe it has been that long already! It's even crazier to think about how we started dating almost 8 years ago! We have lived in 2 states, in 2 apartments, had 2 great cross country road trips (okay 1 was great and 1 was marathoned and not so awesome, but still), and met some really amazing people and made some awesome memories along the way! I really can't imagine anyone more perfect for me than Andy and could not be happier to have spent the last 4 years with him!
Also be forewarned, I was originally only going to have a few photos, then I found a bunch and now this is mostly pictures :)

Saratoga 2011 

Fred and Daphane, Halloween 2013

                                                                 Lake Placid 2015                         Photo Cred: Abbey Deerest

Lake Placid 2008! (Thanks Jillian for the sweet roadtrip!)

Our Save the Date picture(2010)!

I'm really not sure why we chose this out of all the pictures it could have been

Colorado 2012

 I am going to be cliche and sappy here for a few seconds, but I really cannot imagine my life without Andy. He is my best friend in the world, I love that we can to binge watch Doctor Who and play video games, yet we can flip a switch and work hard together and grow our business! He supports and motivates me in everything I do, no matter what crazy thing I want to pursue next, he leads and encourages my decisions.
I may have already said this but, I am beyond blessed to have this man in my life.

Lake Placid 2013

Browns Brewery 2014

Thanks again for reading and hope you all have an awesome day!

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