What a Lovely Weekend

Andy and I took some much needed time off work this weekend and we were able to spend some lovely time with our families! Saturday we headed to Chris's house, grilled food, and celebrated Hannah's 18th b-day. It was so nice to get together with everyone (except we missed The J's and those 2 boys a lot, I always miss Jillian extra amount when the family gets all together, all of our first married holidays were spent with her and Josh!).
Then Sunday we celebrated my grandmother's 94th birthday! It was lovely to see my whole side of the family. Celebrating grandma's birthday is always such a wonderful occasion, that woman has been such a inspiration and a huge part of my life. I unfortunately did not take my camera on Sunday, however, I have quite a few photo's from Saturday! Here are a few!

Sierra thought Grammy needed some chips.
McKenzie wanted to show me her great painted nails! Also how great is Madelyn's face in the background!
GrandPop and 2 of his grandbabies!

 Game Time! The older girls ( Hannah, Abby, and Sarah) had sign up sheets and everything!) Blernsball, yeah that's a Futurama reference, was a success!

And finally! Happy 18th Hannah! The younger Hannah, made an awesome cake and Dad Cox made some awesome Ice Cream!

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