Two New Projects and a Baby

Hello Internet!

 I have been a very bad blogger the last 2 weeks! Although, in my defense, in has been a little crazy! We’ve been working extra hard to get a lot of our side projects actually up and running, ironically enough that has been keeping me away from this side project! Anyways, we've updated our Spread Shirt store, link in the side bar! Added some new designs, we are in the process of working on a new header and layout, etc! We are pretty excited to put some more time into this, I think our goal will be to put up 1 new shirt a month (if you have shirt ideas leave them in the comments or tweet us @maybe_heather @boredcollegeguy). 

We are also planning on getting an Etsy store up and running, selling posters, most likely they’ll be available for digital download first, we may have full prints available in the future we’re just not sure yet! 

I will let you all know as soon as that is up and running! Other than those things we have been busy working on our real jobs! Both of which have been insanely busy, however, busy is good (as my dad would tell me)! 

 So the most exciting thing that has happened in the last few weeks is our housemates had their baby! 

Thatcher Finn Callahan was born 4/16 at 6:30am. He is the most precious little baby. You know, most new born babies are not cute, lets be real, normally they’re puffy, red, and sometimes have some seriously ,mis-shapen heads, then normally in a week or so they become an actually cute baby. Thatcher, however, came out adorable. I know I am probably biased but, he is just perfect. They just came home today ( I am writing this on Monday) and I am excited to have them back. As nice as it was to have the house to ourselves for a few days, we definitely missed them! We kept joking that we felt like “Empty nesters” with them gone! That basically sums up what we’ve been working on lately! I am sure there will be more exciting things to share with you soon! Hope you all are having a fabulous Wednesday!

 Love you all!


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