Being Content
I feel as though being content is one of the hardest challenges in life, at least for myself. How do you focus on where you are today with out focusing on where you will be 5 years from now or even a week from now? I am not sitting here wanting to write about my solution to this, because honestly I don't know the answer. For example, sometimes (most of the time) I love that we moved home, yet there are days I wake up and just want to be done with this move and start the new better adventure I think is in the plan.
Here's some facts:
-I love being home.
-My husband loves being home.
-I don't know what (if there even is one) that new plan is.
-We both feel this is where God wants us.
Yet, despite all these things that I know are true, I feel myself craving the next thing even though I know I haven't accomplished all God wants me to do here. How can I do what God wants me to today if I keep focusing on what I think he wants for me down the road? We get so caught up in thinking about the future we forget to live in the present. We forget to embrace what God has given us today because we are thinking about what He may or may not give us tomorrow.
Sarah and I were talking the other day how this problem boils down to if we are trusting God completely or not. If I am trusting God completely I would not be worried about tomorrow. If you read my last post you saw I quoted Matthew 6:34, a verse everyone has probably read 1000 times, so familiar it gets glazed over and not really processed. If you read 6:25-34 we're clearly told by Jesus that God provides the things we need for us and we are to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you".
God knows us better than we even know ourselves, not being content in where God has you is almost like telling God "I know better than You do about what I should be doing". Trying to take control of a situation that God already has control over.
Now I am not necessarily discrediting planning of any sort, because obviously if tomorrow God called me to China, there would be some necessary plans to be made. What I am saying is that don't just focus on the future your whole life, be joyful in what God has provided for you today, no matter what bigger better plans you think He has for you tomorrow.
I don't say all this to
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