I've Been A Terrible Blogger!

by 8:42 AM
Hello! Remember how last week (or well 2 weeks ago) I had the grand plan of reading and reviewing 1 book in August?! Obviously those plans are going swell. There are a few factors that have contributed to the failure of this plan. The first book I picked was terrible, I am about halfway through but it's just not that good. Sorry, if you're reading this thinking you really loved. On top of the boo...

First Impressions :: Borderlands Pre-Sequel

by 12:45 PM
Alright so if you've kept up with this blog at all over the last year you'll already know that I love Borderlands 2 (thanks Jillian). So I was dang excited to pick up The Pre-Sequel a few weeks ago as a part of Steam Summer Sale. Life has been so crazy with moving and work that I haven't even started playing but, I finally got to playing it the other day! I was really wanting to record my firs...

August Book Club!!

by 10:16 AM
(photo cred: Andy Cox) Hello! I really have been in a funk of not reading lately, maybe it's because I'm so crazy busy, but I really just think I haven't been making it a priority. This led to me deciding that for the month of August I am going to read one book a week! A little crazy, yes, but it's not like any of these are going to be really long, we're talking 200-400 pages! My second tho...
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