Okay so with how hard this winter has been (especially in upstate NY) almost all of us have suffered from dry lips this season! So I decided today I would share with you my routine and how I avoid those not so fun lipstick clumps and dried lips! This routine will not only help your dry lips, this will also help help plump your lips and help your lipstick last throughout the day!The first step in t...
Okay, yes I get that this show is like 9 years old (okay I just Googled it...it's 11 years old, oh wow). However, I have been re-watching it lately, in fact I am currently watching an episode as I type this and I just needed to talk about how much I love this show. I obviously need to start off by mentioning just how amazing Kristen Bell is, I am pretty sure she is my spirit animal, here is a ...
Yes I needed one more title that had alliteration, judge away.
Anyways, lets get to it! I really wanted to talk about all the traveling plans Andy and I have. Now I'm not writing this post because I am 100% certain any of these things are going to happen, or even if this will all be one route, or really anything about this/these potential trip(s) because that's ultimately up to God not us. We hav...
Welcome to round 2 of Makeup Mondays! If you missed last weeks product head here! This week I want to talk about lipstick, specifically these 8pc Nabi Cosmetics Professional Selected Lipsticks.
I have never really worn lipstick much but, as you know if you frequent this blog, I have been on a bit of a makeup journey lately and I knew I was going to need to branch off soon!
Lipstick is a hard t...
It has been far too long since this blog has said anything about video games! That is mainly because I have barely had 5 seconds to myself lately, so there have been little amounts of gaming in my life lately, which is terrible and I've decided I just need to blog about it more as an excuse to play!
Unless you're a millionaire with all the free time in the world, there is always that one popu...
I seriously cannot believe 4 years ago today I was getting married to Andy! I know everyone says that, but for real, I cannot believe it has been that long already! It's even crazier to think about how we started dating almost 8 years ago! We have lived in 2 states, in 2 apartments, had 2 great cross country road trips (okay 1 was great and 1 was marathoned and not so awesome, but stil...
So I think "Makeup Mondays" are going to be a new thing! I am going to pick my favorite makeup product, looks, or general makeup thing and talk about it! Maybe I'll even start including some of my favorite makeup vloggers! I really don't want this whole blog to talk about beauty products but, I do want it to be a part of it, so this is what I decided to do!
Alright so to kick off Makeup Monday...
So I'm sitting here while Sarah is making "Padsicles", no you probably don't want to know what those are, but if you do...here. I only mention these because she told me I should like 6 times and the look on Andy's face when he found out what they were was pretty great, as entertainment I think you all should click the link and @reply me your face on Twitter or Instagram. Also I cannot argue with t...
Okay so I am currently putting off my actual job to sit here and write about this lovely Lavender Lip Salve from Little Seed Farm (found at my dear roommates shop, Travel Well).
So there I was sitting in my living room in the middle of the cold and snow in upstate NY crying over my chapped, cracked lips when it dawned on me that my great roommate had just gotten in some sort of lip product for he...
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