As you may or may not know I have been working from home for
just about 3 years now. Needless to say I get a lot of questions about how I
got started, made it work, and keep it going. Dealing with a chronic illness, I
really needed to figure out a way to make a decent income and be able to lay in
bed with a heating pad at the same time. While that is a huge perk getting to
this place has been...
I was sort of a terrible blogger while we were on our trip in February. I had really grand plans to write a bunch, take pictures, and be a real life travel blogger that month. That just totally did not happen. So trying to make the most of my Daredevil binge watching (yes Jillian it’s finally happening) I decided to write some posts and tell you all about our trip.
The first stop I really...
Well! The journey begins! As you know if you've kept up with this blog, Andy and I have really wanted to have some sort of epic trip adventure, you can see this post, from almost a year ago where I talk about our plans for a road trip adventure.
I'm beyond thankful for this whole thing. We've been building our business to allow ourselves freedom to work for ourselves where ever we want for ove...
So first thing you should all know is that I am giving up my afternoon nap to write a blog for you. It's a rainy and cold day that is perfect for napping too! But, I figured I should be a grown up and do something semi-productive. Adulting is hard guys.
I guess since I left my camera at Christopher's and have no pictures to do a more interesting post we'll go with a "what have you been up to Hea...
It has been a crazy last few weeks between our business hitting the "busy season", family events, and Cheese Tour, it doesn't seem possible that September is almost over and Fall is in full swing!
We did finally get a free weekend, which was exciting! Although, now that I sit down to write about it I can't remember a single thing we did (as per usual haha)!
Saturday Andy headed with D...
So, most likely you wash your face at least once a day as a part of your good skin care routine. But, are you washing your makeup brushes as a part of that routine as well? Let's think about it, makeup brushes get kind of gross. Not only are we caking them in makeup everyday, we're swirling them around on our face and they're picking up all of those oils and dirt! Then depending on where you st...
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